• 647-971-7104
  • info@armarenovation.ca
  • Address: 165 Canada Drive, Woodbridge ON L4H0K1


Expert Renovations to Elevate Your Lifestyle


Renovations are a new beginning and a fresh new start for your home. Unfortunately, it’s very exhausting work. Not everyone can find the time to do it themselves. This is where ARMA’s renovation services come in to give you that quick shortcut you’ve been looking for.

Repainting the walls, window replacements, updating the lighting, and stylizing touching up every little detail. These are only a few examples of what you can expect from our services and what we’ll deliver. However, words won’t do justice for all the work we’ve done. For that, you’ll have to see our work for yourself, which you can find on our website among the many images of the renovations we’ve done.

Planning and More Planning

For a successful renovation, everything needs to be carefully planned out. Our planning team will start with the new layout and how it’ll work with the space that’s available. After thorough planning comes the product phase, which is when the contractors, along with you, will decide on the kinds of products and materials will be used in the renovation. Anything from the paint to the new floorboards will be taken into careful consideration to see how they match the rest of the interior.

Only the highest quality of products are going to be picked out, but also ones that are cost effective. Which takes us to the last stage, which is execution, where expert renovators will come in and fix up everything according to the renovation plans.

The better and more thoroughly everything gets planned out, the more solid the results are going to look. Nothing is left up to luck; from the paint or wallpapers that’s chosen to the new floorboards, everything’s going to be thought out carefully to make sure there aren’t any unpleasant surprises waiting for us in the end.

Why Choose Us

Renovation is all about detail and that’s what our service focuses on. You can’t just have a few elements of the design one way and some the other. Everything has to work together and come as close to your personal preferences as possible. From the planning phase, all the way into the execution, our renovators will be working very closely with you and make sure that nothing is out of place.

  • Expert Renovation Service
  • Close Communication with Clients
  • Thorough Repairs and Touch Ups
  • Careful Staging and Planning
  • Prioritizing Every Miniscule Detail
  • Simple Registration and Booking
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